May 18, 2024
Mother's day sale and stroy-telling training

Last Sunday, we collaborated with the High Blocks Challenge team to host a Mother’s Day sale, featuring an array of homemade goodies and crafts. The offerings included cookies, paintings, watermelon, lemonade, lotions, LEGO Among Us figures and four-leaf clovers. The event raised just under $100, which will be donated to non-profits. Despite the modest amount, the children gained invaluable experience in courageously engaging with strangers and contributing to the community.

As usual, today's session began with core value presentations. Ava showcased a couple of her recent artworks: a pixel art piece and a comic book she created for her sister’s birthday. Wesley shared a delightful moment he had at the park with his brother.

We successfully completed all mission models for Cargo Connect and honed our coding skills, focusing on line-following techniques. Additionally, the team registered for the 2024/2025 FIRST LEGO SUBMERGED Season and is gearing up for a summer kickoff after a brief end-of-school break.

We delved into the Art of Storytelling, learning about the essential components of a story: Character, Setting, Plot, Conflict, and Resolution. We also practiced storytelling techniques such as varying voice, maintaining eye contact, and using body language. The session concluded with a round-robin storytelling exercise, where each participant added a sentence to collectively build a story.

As we look forward to the upcoming SUBMERGED Season, we are excited about the new challenges and opportunities for learning and growth. The skills and experiences gained from these activities not only prepare our team for future competitions but also build a strong foundation for personal development. Stay tuned for more updates and achievements as we embark on this new journey together!