November 2, 2024
FLL Explore Festival Preparation
FLL Explore Festival Preparation
The FLL Explore Festival is fast approaching, with only five weeks left until the event in December. Coach XiaoXu walked the team through the festival agenda, and the members showed excitement about the upcoming event — especially the anticipated pizza lunch!
Core Values Presentation:
Ian shared his experience from his class's literacy parade, where students dressed as presidential candidates. His slogan, “I am a believer in Ian,” was a hit and seemed to capture the fun he had with the activity.
Ava, who has a strong interest in songwriting, presented her research on the power of music. Her presentation highlighted scientific evidence of music’s benefits, including its therapeutic uses.
Alina recounted her involvement in her school’s recent Science Festival. She and her father brought a 3D printer to the event, where they demonstrated the 3D printing process to attendees.
Homework Update:
The coaches led a discussion on further iterations for each team member’s model, emphasizing the importance of providing positive feedback and supporting teammates.
Wesley will continue working on the submarine model, adding color sensors.
Ava presented the current draft of the script video, which she will keep refining, with plans to present it via laptop at the festival.
Based on team feedback, Alina modified her safe house model by closing one side of the walls. Ian’s seaweed factory now includes turtle nests, and Haoyang’s transporter will carry the seaweed supply.
Festival Preparation:
The team set up all models on the Submerged board for a test run and outlined tasks for the coming weeks, which include poster design, sea animal assignments, submarine model optimization, and model testing.
Team Activity:
As "Coach of the Week," Alina led two fun activities where teammates, (1) sitting back-to-back with arms interlocked, had to stand up; and (2) reversing the blanket while teammates stood on it. It were enjoyable challenges that helped build teamwork!